SVSI Nepal supports local farmers in Kaule-Ichchhakamana by donating goats (breed Boer male goats) to improve famers financial independancy.
Sapana Village Social Impact in cooperation with Ichchhakamana Rural Municipality conducted an “Improved Boer Goats Distribution Program” in Kaule and kalindanda village of ward no.01 of Ichchhakamana. Goat farming is one of the most profitable occupations in Nepal that attracts creative farmers of the countryside. They are eager to change their livelihood involving in improved breed of goats farming.
Dividing the farmers into 11 cluster groups, SVSI distributed 22 Boer male goats which were brought Goats Research Station of Bandipur. SVSI chairman Mr. Dhruba Giri and the chairman of Ichchhakamana Rural Municipality Miss Gita Gurung inspired and motivated the farmers with their short speeches about the importance of being self-depending on their better living.
Thanks to all involved and participated at the entire event. Thank you FEMI for being the partner organization of SVSI and believing in the team.