NGO SVSI (Sapana Village Social Impact) in Nepal is building homes for the poor and homeless people in the Chitwan region of Nepal.
On the mutual cooperation of the local government of ward no.7 in Ratnanagar Municipality, Sapana Village Social Impacthanded over a safe home to an old couple living in Mainaha Tharu village. As per the information collected from the local authority and the field visits by the team of SVSI, we came to know that the aged pair Fohora Mahato and his wife were living through a pitiable condition hardly hiding their heads from the heavy rainfalls. The roof of their old house was badly leaked and it was unsecured that caused them many sleepless nights. The new home has been a dream to the couple and they expressed their happiness during the handover program.
Thanks to all who have been very helpful and valued for this beautiful project.