Sapana Village Social Impact had wonderful and loving visitors from FEMI Foundation Netherlands @Liesbeth_Nagelkerke and @Selma_Stekkete and we together with SVSI team had a 2-day visit to Kaule and Siddhi (our major project areas). We got a chance to see the progressing scenarios and also got an opportunity to see what we can plan next in our future for the development and welfare of marginalized community aside from what we are doing now.
On the other hand, CAFE Initiative in Kaule is in its final week of completion so we visited one of the few mother groups, Rajbhog Mother Group with 24 active members benefitting from the financial empowerment program. We also visited some of schools, healthpost and families to analyze the present condition of the areas. In conclusion, health and education sector are the one who needs the most attention now. Soon we will be taking our next steps for the welfare of the community.