From 20th to 25th of November, SVSI in collaboration with Medical Checks for Children, Netherlands organized 6-day Free Pediatric Health Camp in Kalika, Ichchhakamana, Rapti , and Ratnanagar Municipality. We checked total 1148 children in 6 days of our health camp free of cost.
During the free of costs medical checks, the children were checked following the arrangement:
1. Registration of the child
2. Measuring height and weight
3. Blood test (haemoglobin) and urine test and/or malaria test when indicated
4. Physical examination by a medical doctor
5. Giving medication (pharmacy)
6. Education on tooth brushing (a toothbrush was given to each child)
7. Enter children’s files in data base.
On the other hand, warm clothes were distributed to needy people and special attention was given to the transfer of knowledge on nutritious food, drinking habits and dental care.
Location and No. of Children Registered
Siddhi-Nibuwatar: 178 children
Siddhi-Majhwang: 194 children
Kaule-Bharang: 252 children
Kaule-Health Post: 159 children
Rapti-Thakaltaar: 205 children
Ratnanagar-Sapana School: 160 children